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hazrat ibrahim bint muhammad s a w


Ibrāhīm  child of the Prophet (s) and Mariya al-Qibtiyya who died before the age of two and upon the arrival of his demise, sun oriented overshadow occurred.
 To forestall individuals relating his passing with the overshadowing, the Prophet (s) said, "Sun oriented and lunar obscurations don't occur for the demise of anybody."
 Ibrahim was covered in al-Baqi' graveyard close to the grave of Uthman b. Maz'un.

His Genealogy and Birth
Ibrahim b. Muhammad b. Abd Allah b. Abd al-Muttalib was child of the Prophet (s). His mom was Mariya al-Qibtiyya who was talented to the Prophet (s) by Muqawqis, the leader of Egypt and Alexandria.

Ibrahim was brought into the world in Dhu l-Hijja, 8/Walk April 630. The Prophet (s) told his partners, "My child was conceived and I name him after my dad Ibrahim (a)".
 The Prophet (s) performed Aqiqa (an exceptional penance) for himself and shaved his hairs and gave silver to the poor the heaviness of his hair.

After the introduction of Ibrahim, Gabriel the Heavenly messenger uncovered and welcomed the Prophet (s) with the title "Aba Ibrahim" [father of Ibrahim].
 It is expressed that after the introduction of Ibrahim, the Prophet (s) became cheerful and showed the child to Aisha and told her, "Look, how much the child looks like me!"
Birthing specialist and Sitter
As per verifiable reports, the maternity specialist for Ibrahim's introduction to the world was Salma, the maidservant of the Prophet (s). After the introduction of Ibrahim, Salma illuminated her better half, Abu Rafi' and he went to the Prophet (s) and informed the Prophet (s) about the introduction of the child. The Prophet (s) became blissful and gifted him a slave.[6]

After the introduction of Ibrahim, ladies of Ansar (the assistants) contended each other for draining her. The Prophet (s) confided in his child to Umm Barda, little girl of Mundhir b. Zayd.[7]

His Demise
Uthman b. Maz'unHalimaIbrahimSon of the ProphetAqil b. Abi TalibAbd Allah b. Ja'farImam al-Sadiq (a)Imam al-Baqir (a)Imam al-Sajjad (a)Imam al-Hasan (a)Fatima bt. AsadAl-Abbas b. Abd al-MuttalibUmm al-BaninAtikaSafiyyaDaughters of
the ProphetWives of the ProphetMartyrs of UhudQibla
As per a report, Ibrahim died on the 10th or the finish of Rabi' al-Awwal, 10/June-July, 631, when he was sixteen months old, or as per another report, eighteen months old and as per Ibn Shahrashub at one years old year, ten months and eight days and was covered in al-Baqi' graveyard close to the grave of Uthman b. Maz'un

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