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4th daughter hazrat fatima R A


The Prophet of Islam had just a single girl named Fatima. Her mom Khadija had two different little girls from her two prior relationships.

 At the point when The Prophet wedded her, the two little girls accompanied her mom to reside in the place of the Prophet.

 Hazrat Fatima (sa) was conceived five years before Bethat when Muhammad (S) was around 35 years of age and her mom Khadija was around 50 years of age. She has numerous different titles.

 Zahra (Woman of Light) and Sayyidatun Nisa al Alamin (Head of the ladies of the universes). 

The Date of her introduction to the world was twentieth Jamad al Akhar. After the passing of her mom Khadija, she cared for her dad the Prophet of Islam so ardently that Muhammad (S) used to refer to her as "Umme Abiha", for example the mother her dad.

 This was the hardest time for the family in light of the fact that around the same time Abu Talib who was the defender of Muhammad (S) from the enmity of the Quraish additionally kicked the bucket around the same time as Khadija. 

Muhammad (S) wedded Umme Salama, an old widow after the demise of Khadija to have somebody to take care of the family errands.

 At the point when Umme Salama was mentioned to mentor the kid Fatima (sa), the astute lady answered "How might I guide one who is the representation of high temperances and virtue.

 I ought to gain from her." Her life as a youngster, in this manner, was passed in an extremely pure and unassuming climate.

 It was then that she saw her venerated father teaching Islam in the most antagonistic environment. The aggression of the Quraish after the passing of Abu Talib and Khadija was the most grounded.

 Fatima saw and dressed the injuries supported by her dad because of the stones tossed on him by the non-adherents who were ho to the proclaiming of Islam. 

She could have heard and seen that specific pathetic ladies flung refuse on her honorable dad. She could have learnt of the plans made to stop her dad's life.

 Be that as it may, from everything Fatima was neither terrified nor crippled. She support her dad, watched out for his injuries even at that young age.

 The whole family was covered with billows of sad gas a consequence of the practically day to day embarrassment and joke to which her most respected father was oppressed.


At the point when the movement occurred, Fatima was left in Makka with the remainder of the Family which incorporated her step mother Umme Salama, 'Ali's (as) mother Fatima binte Asad and numerous others. 'Ali (as) was accountable for the family. He remained in Makka for an additional 3 days to offer back the stores to the Makkans who endowed these to the Prophet for safety's sake. In the wake of satisfying this obligation 'Ali (as) carried the family to Madina


Following one year's visit in Madina when Fatima (sa) was around 18 years of age that proposition for marriage started to be gotten by the Prophet who considerately wouldn't acknowledge by just saying that it is in the possession of Allah, that he was anticipating Allah's declaration in this.

 Fatima (sa)was the model of Prophet's instructing among ladies similarly as 'Ali (just like) the best epitome of his guidelines and masculine characteristics among men. They were the most appropriate couple to be hitched. 

Be that as it may, 'Ali (as) was too unassuming to even consider talking about it. After some influence from companions he at last went to see the Prophet in the mosque and proposed for marriage.

 Prophet informed Fatima and found out if she would support. Subsequent to accepting her assent the marriage of Fatima (sa) and 'Ali (as) occurred in the least difficult way.

 'Ali (as) sold his safeguard of covering for 200 Dirhams, carried the cash to the Blessed Prophet who added a comparative sum and requested that his mates purchase family products to set up home for the Heavenly Family.

 Marriage was solemnized by the Prophet himself and after marriage the couple went to reside in a different house close to the Place of the Prophet around the Mosque.


Hassan (as) was brought into the world in the third year of Hijra, Husayn (as) was brought into the world in the fourth year of Hijra, Zainab was brought into the world in the sixth year of Hijra, Umme Kulthoom was brought into the world in the seventh year of Hijra. 

It was in the very house that the renowned Section of Filtration (Surah 33.Verse 33) was uncovered on the Blessed Prophet and its portrayal by Fatima has become so well known that it is perused in each Muslim house as Hadith-e-Kisa. 

The Perusing of this Hadith carries gifts to the household.(Tafseer-e-Kabir by Al-Razi). It was in a similar house where this favored family abstained for three days persistently without consuming any food giving their Iftari to a hobo, a vagrant and a detainee who showed up at their entryway and requested food.

 The Refrain in Surah Dahr uncovered in commendation of their very magnanimous demonstration in the method of Allah.

 It was in a similar house where each day the Heavenly Prophet remained outside and said uproariously "Assalamo Alaikum Ya Ahlebaitin Nubuwwah" Harmony and favors on individuals of the Family of the Nabi. 

There was such a lot of regard in the core of the Heavenly Prophet for Fatima (sa) that at whatever point Fatima (sa) showed up in the mosque of the Prophet, the Blessed Prophet rose up to regard her.

 This motion was likewise to show the sidekicks regard for ladies by and large which was deficient in the Bedouin society of the day.

 These demonstrations of the Prophet were to show the sidekicks that this house and its tenants have an exceptional spot in the method of Allah and that this status ought to be kept up with after the demise of the Prophet.

 Sadly this was not finished as the Blessed Prophet planned his allies to do. History lets us know a few exceptionally miserable minutes associated with this house.

 After the demise of the Prophet when 'Ali (as) didn't emerge to give his pledge of loyalty to Abubakr, the entryway of the house was torched to get him out and in the process Fatima (sa) was harmed.

 Her fifth unborn youngster kicked the bucket due to this brutal activity of a portion of the buddies and she, when all is said and done, passed on in something like 3 months of the demise of her Heavenly dad.

 The accompanying lines of verse show her experience after the passing of her blessed dad plainly. "After the passing of my dad My sufferings were perfect to the point that assuming that such difficulties fell upon days, the days would transform into evenings.

" Fatima (sa) was an image of womanhood in Islam.

 How a little girl, a spouse and a mother ought to act in their conventional lives. She was given to her dad, cared for him when he was in trouble by the hands of the non-devotees of Makka, she was the model spouse, sovereign of her family at this point reasonable for her house keeper worker Fizza to split family errands among herself and the house keeper worker, she was a sincere wife and the most cherishing mother to her youngsters. There were events when there was no nourishment for the family, yet she could never gripe.

 Once 'Ali (as) went out to accomplish a work to get nourishment for the family yet returned with basically nothing.

 Fatima asked 'Ali (as) what has been going on with the food. 'Ali (as) said that he brought in a few cash and purchased food, yet while returning he met a few poor hungry people and offered all the food to them. At the point when the Prophet knew about this present circumstance he brought a few nourishment for the family and let them know that 'Ali's magnanimous demonstration was of the best worth according to Allah. The entire family was appreciative to Allah and there were no bad things to say against anybody.

 She would go to the mosque of the Prophet to partake in the requests with every one of the women, she would go out in the combat zone to tend the injured. In the skirmish of Ohud when her dad was harmed she tended him, cleaned his injuries, put some consumed fleece on the injuries to stop blood streaming. At the point when the Blessed Prophet recuperated, he said thanks to her for her extraordinary work in the combat zone.

Demise Of Hazrat Fatima (sa)

On third of the long stretch of Jamad al Thani Hazrat Fatima (sa) passed on. This was around 90 days after the passing of her Heavenly dad.

 Asma binte Umais in a similar house to assist her family with working recounts the tale of her demise in an extremely moving way.

 At the point when the day showed up she arranged nourishment for her youngsters, then, at that point, she let Asma know that she was going to her request room.

 She would agree that Takbeer boisterously at different stretches. At the point when Asma doesn't hear the sound of Takbeer she ought to go out to the mosque and tell Hazrat 'Ali (as) about the demise of his significant other.

 In the event that meanwhile the youngsters return home give them food prior to educating them concerning the passing of their mom. Hasan and Husain showed up and Usma brought some nourishment for them.

 They said they don't eat without their mom and she needed to tell the offspring of the passing of their mom. Both went into the request room and remained with her for some time. Hazrat 'Ali (as) showed up and ready for the last rituals.

 At the point when he was giving her last shower he cried noisily. Asma asked the explanation and he said he was unable to bear to see the injury close by when the entryway of the house fell on her because of disturbance by a portion of the partners of the Prophet when they generally needed 'Ali (as) to emerge from the house for the vow of Faithfulness to Abubakr.

 In the wake of playing out the last ceremonies she was taken to the graveyard of Baqii in the haziness of the night for entombment.

 Not very many relatives were available at the entombment of the girl of the Prophet. 

A few history specialists say that she was covered in her own home which turned out to be important for the Masjid-e-Nabavi during the rule of Umavi Caliph Umar Ibne Abdul Aziz.

Jannatul Baqii

This is a plot of land not a long way from where the mosque of the prophet stood and the places of his buddies around it were worked as residing quarters.

 This land was utilized as a burial ground for the Muslims.

 The popular author Mustafawi writes in Nuzhatul Qulub, "The burial ground of Madina called Baqii misleads the west of the town and here is seen the grave of Ibrahim, Prophet's just child and furthermore the grave of his girl Fatima. 

There are graves of Prophets amazing child Imam Hasan, Imam 'Ali Ibnul Husayn Zainul Abedeen, Imam Muhammad Baqir and Imam Ja'far Sadiq (as) .

 For quite a long time there has been a marble piece over their graves and on this is composed: for the sake of God, The Lenient, The Caring Commendation be to God Who supports the countries and Who gives life to dead bones. Here is the burial place of Fatima, the little girl

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