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hazrat imam hassan bint ali R A


The Imam after the Leader of the reliable, harmony be on him, was his child al-Hasan, the child of the courtesan of the ladies of the universes, Fatima, little girl of Muhammad, the Master of couriers, may God favor him and his unadulterated family. (Al-Hasan's) kunya was Abu Muhammad. He was brought into the world in Medina, the evening of the center day of the period of Ramadan, three years after the hijra (624).

His mom, Fatima, harmony be on her, carried him to the Prophet, may God favor him and his family, on the seventh day in a smooth wrap from Paradise, which Gabriel had carried down to the Prophet, may God favor him and his loved ones. He named him Hasan and forfeited a slam for him (in the function of aqiqa).

It is accounted for by a gathering (of specialists), including Ahmad b. Salih. al-Tamimi on the power of Abd Allah b. Isa, on the power of Jafar al-Sadiq b. Muhammad, harmony be on him.

Al-Hasan, harmony be on him, was the most comparable individual to the Missionary of God, may God favor him and his family, in structure, way and honorability.

It is accounted for by a gathering (of specialists), including Ma'mar, on the power of al-Zuhri, on the power of Anas b. Malik, who said

Nobody was more similar to the Witness of God, may God favor him and his family, than al-Hasan b. Ali, harmony be on them.

[Ibrahim b. Ali al-Rafi'i wrote about the power of his dad, on the power of his grandma Zaynab, little girl of Abu Rafi' - and Shabib b. Abi Rafi' al-Rafi'i on the power of the individuals who told him - she said:]

Fatima, harmony be on her, brought her two children, al-Hasan and al-Husayn, harmony be on them, to the Witness of God, may God favor him and his family, when he was experiencing the disorder from which he passed on.

"Missionary of God," she said, "these are your two (thousand) children. Give them something as a legacy."

"With respect to al-Hasan," he answered, "he has my structure and my honorability. With respect to al-Husayn, he has my liberality and my boldness."

Al-Hasan b. Ali, harmony be on him, was the testamentary legal administrator (wasi) of the Leader of the reliable, harmony be on him, over his family, his kids and his supporters. He handed down him to care for his situation and (the place of) his duties (sadaqat) and he thought of him a contract (of progression) which is notable. His testamentary trusteeship is clear concerning the layouts of religion, the fundamental attribute of insight and great reproducing. An incredible number of researchers have revealed this trusteeship and a considerable lot of the men of understanding have understood the reality of this through his (demeanor to) the world.

Al-Hasan's Progression to the Caliphate and his Abandonment
At the point when the Leader of the loyal, harmony be on him, passed on, al-Hasan tended to individuals. He helped them to remember his right (to power). The devotees of his dad promised faithfulness to him as far as battling those he battled and reconciling with those with whom he buried the hatchet.

[Abu Mikhnaf Lut b. Yahya al-Azdi revealed: Ashath b. Suwar let me know on the power of Abu Ishaq al-Sabi'i and others, who said;]

Al-Hasan b. Ali, harmony be on them, tended to individuals towards day break on the night in which the Authority of the unwavering, harmony be on him, passed on. He commended and celebrated God and favored the Messenger of God, may God favor him and his loved ones. Then, at that point, he said:

There has kicked the bucket this evening a man who was the first among the early (Muslims) in (great) activities. Nor did any later (Muslims) achieve his level in (great) activities.
 He used to battle close by the Messenger of God, may Allah favor him and his family, and safeguard him with his own life.
 The Missionary of God, may God favor him and his family, used to send him forward with his norm while Gabriel upheld him to his right side and Michael upheld him to his left side. He wouldn't return until God brought triumph through his hands.

He, harmony be on him, has kicked the bucket on this the night on which Jesus, child of Mary, was taken up (to Paradise), on which Joshua, child of Nuh, the testamentary legal administrator (wasi) of Moses, harmony be on him, passed on. He has abandoned him no gold and silver aside from 700 dirhams of his payment (ata'), with which he was expecting to purchase a worker for his loved ones.

Then, at that point, tears defeated him and he sobbed and individuals sobbed with him.

Then, at that point, he proceeded:

I'm the (stupendous) child of the person who brought the uplifting news. I'm the (fantastic) child of the warner. I'm the (fantastic) child of the one who, with God's authorization, gathered (individuals) to God. I'm the (fantastic) child of the light which sparkled out (to the world) . I'm of the House, from whom God has sent away plague and whom God has sanitized completely .
 I'm of the House for whom God has required love in his Book, when God, the Most High, said: "Say: I don't ask you for any compensation with the exception of adoration for (my) family. 
Whoever procures great, will increment great for himself"(42:23). The great is love for us, the House.
Then, at that point, he plunked down.

Abd Allah b. al-Abbas, may God show kindness toward him, emerged before him and said:

Individuals, this is the child of your Prophet, the testamentary legal administrator (wasi) of your Imam. So vow devotion to him.

Individuals addressed him saying:

Nobody is more cherished by us nor has anybody all the more right to progression (khilafa).

They hurried forward to promise loyalty to him as replacement. That was on Friday on the 11th of the period of Ramadan in the year 40 A.H. (660). Then, at that point, he allocated (the posts of) the expense gatherers and he guided the legislative leaders (of the territories). He sent Abd Allah b. al-Abbas to Basra. He assumed responsibility for every one of the issues.

At the point when Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan learnt of the demise of the Commandant of the dedicated, harmony be on him, and individuals' promise of loyalty to his child, al-Hasan, harmony be on him, he sent a man of covertly to Kufa and a man from Banu al-Qayn to Basra.
 They were to compose reports to him to sabotage undertakings for al-Hasan, harmony be on him. Al-Hasan, harmony be on him, learned of that. He requested the Himyari to be brought out from among (the clan) of Lakhm in Kufa. He had him brought out and executed.
 (Al-Hasan) kept in touch with al-Basra, requesting the Qayni to be brought out from among the Banu Sulaym. He was brought out and executed.

Then al-Hasan, harmony be on him, kept in touch with Muawiya:

You sent men to utilize trickiness and to do deaths and you conveyed spies as though you need to meet (in fight). That is something which will before long occur so sit tight for it, assuming God wills. I have discovered that you have become haughty such that no astute man would become haughty. In that you are similarly as al-Awwal depicted:

Tell him who wants the opposite of the person who has kicked the bucket: Get ready for one more like him, as though (from the equivalent) root.

I and the one among us who has kicked the bucket resemble the person who goes at night so that (the other) may come toward the beginning of the day.

Muawiya answered to him with his letter, which there is compelling reason need to make reference to. There followed among him and al-Hasan, harmony be on him, correspondences messages and questions with respect to one side of al-Hasan, harmony be on him, to power and the unlawful capture of force of the individuals who preceded his dad, harmony be on him, and of Mu'awiya's endeavor to strip the nephew of the Messenger of God, may God favor him and his family, from his position and of their (the House's) more right than wrong to it separated from them. (Every one of these) matters would take too lengthy to even think about depicting.

Muawiya set off towards Iraq. At the point when he arrived at the extension of Manbij, al-Hasan, harmony be on him, responded. He sent Hujr b. Adi to arrange the heads of Amman to set out and to assemble individuals for war.

They were delayed to (respond to) him and afterward they approached. (Al-Hasan) had a blended band of men: some of them had a place with his Sh'ia and to his dad's: some of them were individuals from the Muhakimma (for example Kharijites) who were impacted by (the craving of) battling Muawiya with each mean (conceivable); some of them were men who cherished frictions and were restless for goods; some of them were cynics; others were ancestral allies who followed the heads of their clans without reference to religion.

He set off until he came to Hammam Umar, then he happened to Dayr Kab. He halted at Sabat, not long before the extension and went through the night there. In the first part of the day, he, harmony be on him, needed to test his devotees and make what is happening clear concerning compliance to him, so in that way he could possibly recognize his companions from his foes and be in a reasonable psyche (about his situation) to meet Mu'awiya and the Syrians. He requested the call to be made:

The request is an overall one (which all ought to join in) (al-salat jamia).

They accumulated and he went up on the lectern and tended to them. He said:

Acclaim has a place with God at whatever point a man commends Him. I affirm that there is no god except for God at whatever point a man vouches for Him. I affirm that Muhammad is His worker and His missionary whom He sent with reality and whom He depended with disclosure, may God favor him and his loved ones. By God, I trust that I will constantly accompany God's acclaim and consideration. I'm the sincerest of God's animals in offering guidance to them.

I have not become one who bears noxiousness to any Muslims nor one who wishes wickedness or disaster peak him. Without a doubt what you despise about solidarity (jama'a) is preferable for you over what you like about division. I see what is preferable for you better over you see with yourselves own eyes. Hence don't go against my orders and don't dismiss my judgment. May God excuse both me and you and may He guide me and you to that in which there is love and fulfillment.

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