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hazrat yaqoob AS


Yaqub ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim (Arabic: يَعْقُوب ابْنُ إِسْحَٰق ابْنُ إِبْرَاهِيم, in a real sense: "Jacob, child of Isaac, child of Abraham" Arabic: يَعْقُوب, romanized: Yaqub; likewise later Israil, Arabic: إِسْرَآئِیل [israaeel]; Traditional/Quranic Arabic: إِسْرَآءِیْل , otherwise called Jacob, is a prophet in Islam. He is recognized as a patriarch of Islam. Muslims accept that he taught a similar monotheistic confidence as did his progenitors: Abraham (Ibrahim), Ishmael (Ismail) and Isaac (Ishaq).

Jacob is referenced multiple times in the Quran.[1] Two further references to Isra'il are accepted to be notices of Jacob.[2] In most of these references, Jacob is referenced close by individual Hebrew prophets and patriarchs as an old and devout prophet who remained in the "organization of the elect".

 Muslims hold that Jacob was the child of Isaac and that he taught the Unity of God all through his life. As in Christianity and Judaism, Islam holds that Jacob had twelve children, who might proceed to father the Twelve Clans of Israel.
[5] Jacob assumes a huge part in the narrative of his child, Joseph (Yūsuf).[6] The Quran further clarifies that God made a pledge with Jacob[7] and Jacob was made a dedicated pioneer by God's order. His granddad (Ibrahim), father (Ishaq), uncle (Ismail), child (Yusuf) and himself are prophets of Islam.

In the Quran
Jacob is referenced by name in the Quran sixteen times.[9] Albeit large numbers of these refrains acclaim him as opposed to relate an occurrence from his story, the Quran regardless records a few critical occasions from his life.
 Muslim practice and literature[10] the earliest occasion including Jacob in the Quran is that of the heavenly messengers (malāʾikah) giving "happy greetings" to Abraham and Sarah representing things to come birth of a prophetic child by the name of Isaac as well as a prophetic grandson by the name of Jacob. The Quran states:

At the point when he had gotten some distance from them and from those whom they revered other than God, We gave to him Isaac and Jacob, and every last one of them We made a prophet.

— Quran, surah 19 (Maryam), ayah 49[11]
The Quran likewise specifies that Abraham showed the confidence of unadulterated monotheism to his children, Ishmael and Isaac, as well as Jacob. The Quran records Abraham telling Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob: "Gracious my children! God hath picked the Confidence for you; then, at that point, pass on not besides in that frame of mind of Islam.
"[12] The Quran additionally makes reference to the gifts given to Jacob as well as the strength of his confidence, which became more grounded as he aged. The Quran makes reference to that Jacob was "guided";[13] given "knowledge";[14] "inspired";[15] and was given a "tongue of honesty to be heard".[16] The Quran later expresses the accompanying with respect to Jacob:

What's more, We presented to him Isaac and, as an extra gift, (a grandson), Jacob, and We made honorable men of each and every one (of them).
Also, We made them pioneers, directing (men) by Our Order, and We sent them motivation to and they continually served Us (and Us as it were).

Quran, surah 21 (Al-Anbiya), ayat 72-73[17]
Furthermore, celebrate Our Workers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, owners of Force and Vision.
Verily We picked them for a unique (reason)- declaring the Message of the Great beyond.
They were, in Our sight, really, of the organization of the Choose and the Upside.

— Quran, surah 38 ('Miserable), ayat 45-47[18]
Jacob and his children
Jacob's next critical notice in the Quran is in the account of the surah Yusuf. 
Joseph's story in the Quran opens with a fantasy that Joseph had one evening, after which he raced to his dad Jacob, saying: "Observe! Joseph shared with his dad: "O my dad! I saw eleven planets and the sun and the moon: I saw them prostrate themselves to me!" "[19] Jacob's face overflowing with charm at what he had heard from the youthful Joseph, and the maturing prophet promptly comprehended what the fantasy implied. Jacob could predict that his child would grow up to be the following prophet in the line of Abraham and it would be Joseph who might keep the message of Islam alive before very long.

 Jacob's more established children, nonetheless, felt that their dad cherished Joseph and Benjamin, Jacob's most youthful child, more than them. Jacob had some awareness of their envy and cautioned the youthful Joseph about it.[20] Joseph's ten more established siblings then, at that point, chose to kill him. As the Quran portrays their conversation:

They said: "Genuinely Joseph and his sibling are cherished more by our dad than we: Yet we are a goodly body! Actually our dad is clearly meandering (in his psyche)!
"Kill ye Joseph or cast him out to some (obscure) land, that so the blessing of your dad might be given to you alone: (there will be time enough) for you to be honorable after that!"

— Quran, surah 12 (Yusuf) ayat 8-9[21]
One of the siblings (normally comprehended to be Reuben[22]) in any case, felt that as opposed to killing Joseph(Yusuf) they ought to rather drop him into a well, so a convoy might come and pick him up.[23] In this manner, they found out if they could take the youthful Joseph out to play with them, relying on the prerequisite that they would oversee him.
 Despite the fact that Jacob expected that a dhi'b (Arabic: ذِئـب, wolf) would eat up his son,[24] the insubordinate more established children powerfully removed Joseph and tossed him into the well.[25] When the children returned to Jacob that evening, they claimed to sob and they further let him know that the wolf had gobbled up Joseph.
 To deceive their dad, they smudged Joseph's(Yusuf) shirt with misleading blood,[26] however Jacob, who had been gifted with information, realized this was a bogus mixture that they had contrived.
 Despite the fact that Jacob stressed over the deficiency of Joseph, he stayed enduring to God all through his grief.[26] As the years passed, the youthful Joseph grew up into a man in Egypt; Jacob, in the mean time, was once again at home in Canaan, where his children would continually irritate him about his continued imploring God for the arrival of Joseph(Yusuf).[27] In spite of the fact that Jacob habitually griped to God[14] it was never for God's doings, however out of the interruptions of his own brain and his periodic breaking out of the limits of persistence he had set for himself. He continually overlooked the evil provoking of his children and would pardon them and attempted to give them sound advice.[28] One day, Jacob chose to send his children on a task, advising them to go to Egypt looking for Joseph and Benjamin. His children, interestingly, paid attention to him and withdrew for Egypt.

 At the point when one of Jacob's children got back to Canaan with the uplifting news of Joseph and Benjamin in Egypt, he accompanied a shirt that Joseph had given him, which he had advised him to project over their dad's face,[29] to eliminate Jacob's visual impairment and pain.
 In this way, the child adhered to the directions and did as Joseph said, reestablishing Jacob's physical and mental vision.

When Jacob's sight had been reestablished, the entire family started their journey to Egypt, to meet Joseph and different children once more. When they showed up, the dad and child met each other with extraordinary love and were brought together in harmony by and by. 
The now strong Joseph gave a home to his folks with himself and, as the Quran says, raised them high on a 'lofty position of dignity'.[30] It was now that the entire family, together, could go to God through the prophetic workplaces of both Jacob and Joseph.

Jacob's last guidance to his kin
The entire of the Offspring of Israel were called to show homage confidence in Islam (Accommodation to God) before Jacob passed on. Jacob needed to ensure that his kids kick the bucket just in Islam, and, consequently, took one final commitment from them.
 At the point when he asked them who they would revere after his demise, they answered that they would go on in Islam and do homage and love God.
 Albeit the passing bed scene connects with Jewish custom, and referenced in the Book of Beginning, the Quran specifies it to stress the idea that Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, and Jacob were all Muslims, as they knelt in full confidence to God and God alone. The Quran describes:

Also, this was the heritage that Abraham left to his children, thus did Jacob; "Gracious my children! God hath picked the Confidence for you; then, at that point, pass on not besides in that frame of mind of Islam."
Were ye witnesses when demise showed up before Jacob? See, he shared with his children: "What will ye love after me?" They said: "We will adore thy God and the Lord of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (Valid) God: To Him we bow (in Islam)."

— Quran, surah 2 (Al-Baqara), ayah 132-133[32]
The tradition of Jacob
Jacob is exceptionally extraordinary in Islam for carrying on the heritage left by his progenitors.

 Muslims accept God gave His most extreme effortlessness to Jacob and picked him to be among the most commended men. The Quran regularly specifies Jacob as a man of may and vision and stresses he was of the organization of the great and choose. As the Quran says:

That was the thinking about Us, which We provided for Abraham (to use) against his kin: We raise whom We will, a large number of degrees: for thy Ruler is brimming with shrewdness and information.
We gave him Isaac and Jacob: every one of the (three) directed: and before him, We directed Noah, and among his descendants, David, Solomon, Work, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: in this way do We reward the people who accomplish something useful:

— Quran, surah 6 Al-An'am, ayah 83-84[33]
Ali ibn Abi Talib, when gotten some information about the prophets who were offered extraordinary names, describes in Hadith that Ya'qub ibn Ishaq was referred to by his kin as Isra'il.[34]

Occasions in the Holy book including Jacob grappling with a heavenly messenger are not referenced in the Quran, but rather are talked about in Muslim editorials, just like the vision of Jacob's Ladder.[9][35] Jacob fooling Isaac into gift him by mimicking his twin, Esau, is additionally not in the Quran, but rather is in Muslim commentaries.[9]

Muslims, who truly do accept Jacob was an extraordinary patriarch, stress the conviction that Jacob's principal significance lay in his incredible accommodation to God and his firm confidence in the right religion. As a patriarch, Jacob, close by Abraham, might be the most productive as indicated by custom. From his twelve sons[36] were to come numerous o

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