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hazrat abdullah bint muhammad s a w



ʿAbd Allāh signifies "worker of God" or "slave of God". His complete name was ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib ibn Hāshim ('Amr) ibn Abd Manāf (al-Mughīra) ibn Qusayy (Zayd) ibn Kilāb ibn Murra ibn Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy ibn Ghālib ibn Fahr (Quraysh) ibn Mālik ibn an-Naḑr (Qays) ibn Kinānah ibn Khuzaymah ibn Mudrikah ('Āmir) ibn Ilyas ibn Muḍar ibn Nizār ibn Ma'ād ibn 'Adnān.[5]

His dad decided for him Āminah little girl of Wahb ibn 'Abd Munāf who was the grandson of Zuhrah ibn Kilab, the sibling of his extraordinary incredible granddad Qusayy ibn Kilāb.
 Wahb had been the head of Banu Zuhrah as well as its oldest and noblest part however had kicked the bucket some time beforehand and Āminah turned into a ward of his sibling Wuhaib, who had succeeded him as head of the group.

His dad went with him to the quarter of Banū Zuhrah.
 There, he looked for the home of Wuhayb and went in to request the hand of Wahb's girl for his child. 'Abdullāh's dad fixed his marriage with Aminah.
[6] It was said that a light sparkled out of his temple and that this light was the commitment of a Prophet as posterity.
 Numerous ladies drew closer 'Abdullāh, who is accounted for to have been an attractive man, with the goal that they could acquire the distinction of delivering his posterity.
 Anyway it is trusted that, as chosen by God, the light was bound to be moved to Āminah through 'Abdullāh subsequent to culminating the marriage.
 'Abdullāh's dad was the caretaker of the Kaaba in Mecca. 'Abdullāh lived with Āminah among her family members the initial three days of the marriage. A while later, they moved together to the quarter of 'Abdul-Muttalib.


Al-Baqi Graveyard in Medina, where Abdullah and different family members of his child Muhammad are accepted to be covered. Behind the scenes is the burial chamber (set apart by the Green Vault) and Mosque of Muhammad.
Not long after their marriage 'Abdullāh was called to Palestine and Syria (in what is Debris Shām or the Levant) on an exchanging convoy trip.
 At the point when he left, Āminah was pregnant. 'Abdullāh was missing for a considerable length of time in Gaza.
 Coming back he halted for a more extended rest with the group of his fatherly grandma, Salma bint Amr, who had a place with the Najjar faction of the Khazraj clan in Medina.
 He was getting ready to join a troop to Mecca when he felt sick.
 The train happened without him to Mecca with insight about his nonattendance and infection. 'Abdul-Muttalib quickly sent his oldest child Al-Harith to Medina.
 Anyway when Harith showed up, his sibling Abdullah who was in his mid twenties, was at that point dead and was covered soon after he became unwell, Harith got back to Mecca to declare the passing of 'Abdullāh to his matured dad and his pregnant spouse Āminah.[8][9]

He was covered in Dar-ul-Nabeghah in Medina (today Saudi Arabia), and his catacomb was destroyed on the twentieth or 21st January, 1978. Purportedly he was reburied in Al-Baqee' Cemetery, close to Muhammad's child Ibrahim.[citation needed]

'Abdullāh left five camels, a crowd of sheep and goats, and an Abyssinian slave nurture, called Umm Ayman, who was to deal with his child Muhammad. This patrimony doesn't demonstrate that 'Abdullāh was well off, and yet it doesn't demonstrate that he was poor. Rather, it shows that Muhammad was his main successor.
 Moreover, 'Abdullāh was as yet a young fellow fit for working and of storing up a fortune. His dad was as yet alive and none of his abundance had at this point been moved to his sons.

Destiny in life following death
Islamic researchers have for quite some time been partitioned over the strict convictions of Muhammad's folks and their destiny in the afterlife.
 One transmission by Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah states that Allah (God) wouldn't pardon Aminah for her kufr (mistrust).
 One more transmission in Musnad al-Bazzar states that the Muhammad's folks was resurrected and acknowledged Islam, then got back to the Barzakh.
 11 A few Ash'ari and Shafi'i researchers contended that neither would be rebuffed in the hereafter, as they were Ahl al-fatrah, or "Individuals of the stretch" between the prophetic messages of 'Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad.
 The idea of Ahl al-fatrah isn't generally acknowledged among Islamic researchers, and there is banter concerning the degree of salvation accessible for dynamic experts of Evade (Polytheism),[15] however most of researchers have come to concur with it, and negligence the ahadith (portrayals) expressing that Muhammad's folks were sentenced to hell.

While a work credited to Abu Hanifah, an early Sunni researcher, expressed that both Aminah and Abdullah kicked the bucket upon their natural nature (Mata 'ala al-fitrah),[16] a few later creators of mawlid texts related a practice in which Aminah and Abdullah were briefly restored and embraced Islam. Researchers like Ibn Taymiyyah expressed that this was obviously false, however Al-Qurtubi expressed that the idea didn't contradict Islamic religious philosophy.

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