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What is the dua of Hazrat Shoaib as


The Quran and Hadith do not go into great depth on the precise phrasing of the dua (supplication) made by the Prophet Shoaib (or Shu'aib, peace be upon him). However, the Quran contains the core of his appeal to his people as well as the overall meaning of his teachings.

A prophet named Hazrat Shoaib (may peace and blessings be upon him) was sent to the dishonest and unethical Madyanees. He emphasised the value of worshipping only Allah and upholding justice and honesty. He exhorted his people to turn from their unfair ways and go in the right direction.

Prophet Shoaib is quoted as having said the following in Surah Al-Shu'ara (Quran, 26:183-189):

"Give fully and avoid being among those who create harm.

According to the Qur'an, Shuaib was chosen by God to serve as a prophet to the Midianites. This nation's inhabitants were reputed to have a particularly bad reputation for idolatry and deceiving others. The fundamental message of Shuayb's prophecy was to direct the Midianites away from idolatry and towards the right path of God.

He allegedly instructed his workers to quit being dishonest in their day-to-day affairs. He spoke and prophesied for a long time, but most of the people were unreceptive to his message. Shuayb, however, persisted in his resolve. He continually delivered vehement sermons against the wicked, warning them of the retribution meted out to the sinners who came before them. Shuayb forewarned the populace that their ignorance

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