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Where was Adam buried according to the Bible?


Regarding Hazrat Adam( AS)

According to Islamic belief, Hazrat Adam( AS), also known as Adam, is regarded as the first person and the father of humanity. He's largely deified in a variety of religious and artistic surroundings, representing the dawn of humanity and acting as an illustration for followers. A high-value content comment about Hazrat Adam( AS) is handed below

It's believed that Allah( God) formed Hazrat Adam( AS) from complexion and gave him life on the decree of God.
His creation serves as a symbol of Allah's godly intention to establish humans on Earth. Adam( AS) was given the honor of serving as Allah's vicegerent on Earth because he was endowed with knowledge and understanding, making him superior to other brutes.
        Adam( AS) and his woman                                                                                                                                                                

Hazrat Hawwa( Eve) lived in Jannah( Paradise). They delighted the happiness and peace of Jannah but were put to the test by Allah's directive to stay down from a certain tree.

But because of a transitory slip-up, they both consumed fruit from the unethical tree, which redounded in their exile from Jannah. The Fall of Adam was this circumstance.

After being banished, Hawwa( Eve) and Adam( AS) fell to Earth, where they were first resolved but latterly reunited.
Despite obstacles and mourning, they persisted in worshipping Allah and requesting His amnesty. They began a family, and some of their seed including Qabil( Cain) and Habil( Abel) had important places to play as mortal history developed.

Admired as a prophet appointed by Allah to lead humanity, Hazrat Adam( AS) is. He communicated to his seed knowledge of the deification of Allah, the value of virtue, and the impacts of defiance.

Adam( AS) was famed for his modesty and penitence, serving as an illustration for all religionists to seek Allah's amnesty and work toward righteousness.

His illustration serves as a memorial of how it's innately mortal to make crimes and ask for remission.

It emphasizes the need of guilt and returning to Allah, anyhow of how serious the mistake is.

Adam( AS) was famed for his modesty and penitence, serving as an illustration for all religionists to seek Allah's amnesty and work toward righteousness.

His illustration serves as a memorial of how it's innately mortal to make crimes and ask for remission.

It emphasizes the need for guilt and returning to Allah, anyhow of how serious the mistake is. The life of Hazrat Adam( AS) demonstrates the value of following Allah's instructions, seeking knowledge, and waging an ongoing battle with one's wants and Satan's influence.

Eventually, Hazrat Adam( AS) is of great significance to Muslims and maintains a prominent place in Islamic theology.
His experience demonstrates important trueness about mortal nature, the impacts of defiance, the need of penitence, and the pursuit of virtue.
His heritage encourages harmony and worldwide brotherhood among individualities from all origins because he's the creator of humanity.

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